We have 3 of the coolest instructors with more than 15 years of combined experience. They have an incredible passion and love what they do.
When a child starts swimming, the very first goal is to become water safe. This means that if a child falls into water, he or she can get himself or herself out of the water. The method we use is the “Tender Loving Care” method and repeat and repetition method. “TLC” means working slowly and at the child’s pace to teach them how to go underwater, get their head above water again, move to the side and then pull themselves out of the water or to stand if possible. Part of the process is also teaching the child to float on their backs which also assists when they fall into the water not to keep their faces in the water for too long. The child is also taught to pull their legs under them and stand, which is not always a logical reaction. We also use the same routine that is the best way for a child to learn.
When the child has mastered it we start with the swimming strokes. We start with crawl and backstroke and then with breaststroke. Butterfly stroke is suggested when the child has mastered the previously mentioned strokes but is only focused on from the age of 10 years old.
We only take four children per instructor in a class and they are grouped according to their swimming abilities and not necessarily age. With the first lesson the child is grouped with information obtained from the parent / guardian and then age is taken into account but is placed in the appropriate class after the first lesson so the time will not necessarily remain the same.
All lessons are for 30 minutes which allows us 5 minutes for free play in the water.
We also offer baby lessons. The babies are then 6-24 months old and the parent / guardian climbs into the water with the baby. There are 6 little ones and their parent / guardian in the class and all follow the routines as guided by the instructor. Just a few benefits of baby swimming: It helps with balance and coordination, develops stronger muscles, learns to follow instructions and studies have been done that babies / children who swim have more and faster brain development. The most important 1 is that the babies sleep a lot better.
We also offer swimming lessons for adults and the same guidelines are followed as when starting swimming lessons with a child.
Ons het 3 van die oulikste instukteurs met meer as 15 jaar se ondervinding. Hul het ‘n ongelooflike passie en liefde vir wat hul doen.
Wanneer ‘n kind met swem begin is die heel eerste doel om waterveilig te word. Dit beteken as ‘n kind in water val dat hy of sy homself uit die water uit kan kry. Die metode wat ons gebruik is die “Tender Loving Care” metode en herhaal en repetisie metode. “TLC” beteken om stadig en op die kind se pas te werk om hul te leer hoe om onder die water in te gaan, kop weer bo die water te kry, na die kant toe te beweeg en dan hulself uit die water te trek of te staan indien moontlik. Deel van die proses word die kind ook geleer om op hul ruggies te dryf wat ook assisteer as hul in die water val om nie hul gesigte vir te lank in die water te hou nie. Die kind word ook geleer om hul bene onder hul in te trek en te staan wat nie altyd ‘n logiese reaksie is nie. Ons gebruik ook dieselfde roetine wat die beste manier is vir ‘n kind om te leer.
Wanneer die kind dit bemeester het begin ons met die swemslae. Ons begin met kruipslag en rugslag en daarna met borslag. Vlinderslag word voorgestel wanneer die kind die vorige genoemde slae bemeester het maar word eers op gefokus vanaf die ouderdom van 10 jaar oud af.
Ons neem net vier kinders per instrukteur in ‘n klas en hul word gegroepeer volgens hulle swem vermoëns en nie noodwendig ouderdom nie. Met die eerste les word die kind gegroepeer met inligting wat vanaf die ouer/voog verkry word en dan word ouderdom wel in ag geneem maar word na die eerste les in die toepaslike klas geplaas dus sal die tyd nie noodwendig dieselfde kan bly nie.
Alle lesse is vir 30 minute wat ons 5 minute toelaat vir vryspel speel in die water.
Ons bied ook baba lessies aan. Die kleintjies is dan 6-24maande oud en die ouer/voog klim saam met die kleintjie in die water. Daar is 6 kleintjies en ouer/voog in die klas en almal volg die roetiene soos gelei word deur die instrukteur. Net ‘n paar voordele van baba swem: Dit help met die balans en koordinasie, ontwikkel sterker spiere, leer om instruksies te volg en daar is ook al studies gedoen dat babas/kinders wat swem meer en vinniger brein ontwikkeling het. Die grootste voordeel is ‘n beter slaap patroon.
Ons bied ook swemlesse vir volwassenes aan en dieselfde riglyne word gevolg as wanneer daar met ‘n kind swem lesse begin.